Please keep in mind the following conditions when downloading and then using this voucher:
1. You need to book your trip on by midnight August 11, 2010 (Eastern time).
2. All travel must be completed by December 31, 2010.
3. Only one voucher number may be applied per reservation, regardless if there are several persons traveling together.
4. You must download your voucher prior to making your booking and enter the number during the final step of the booking process. On the payment page, enter the voucher number into the field "Enter your Voucher:". Be sure to click the "Apply Voucher and reduce Fare" link. (Vouchers cannot retroactively be applied to existing bookings.)
5. Tickets must be purchased with a U.S. credit card and originate from one of the Lufthansa U.S. gateways.
Once you click submit, your voucher will be displayed on the screen. It will also be forwarded to the e-mail address you provide below.